
Why did I start AJM Technology Solutions?

After years of working in the electronic sales and support industry at companies such as Apple, Verizon and Target, I noticed the many hurdles and challenges older adults face when trying to get help with their technology needs. Some of the issues I observed include the following: physical limitations, environments not conducive to learning, communication breakdowns and an overall lack of training on how to support the senior community in regards to technology solutions. With a background in communication and entrepreneurship, I knew I had the skills, motivation and passion to facilitate a solution to these ever growing problems.

In our modern society, technology is advancing at an astronomical pace and it’s important to me that no one gets left behind. Therefore I created AJM Technology Solutions and Training LLC. My mission is to educate, empower and enrich the lives of the clients I serve so that they may understand their technology and gain its benefits to both better their lives and the world around them.